
Looking for engaging and informative virtual lessons for your child or virtual classroom? offers a variety of educational programs catering to all ages and intellectual levels with such subjects as health, science, and history. All our lessons confirm with applicable education standards.

Education at the Museum happens in many ways. Group visits and tours are available for classes and other groups. We offer Mütter Lessons to enhance Museum visits. And, if you can’t bring your class to the Mütter, we can bring the Mütter to you!

Through the College of Physicians we offer a number of programs for afterschool and summer learning, including the George and Judy Wohlreich Junior Fellows Program, Girls One Diaspora Club, OUT4STEM and the STEM Internship Program.

Here you can explore some activities meant to bring the Mütter to you! We hope that this page will be useful for parents, teachers, students, and anyone who would like to “visit” us but is unable to do so right now!

Ten on-line lessons are now available intended for high school juniors and seniors and first and second-year undergraduates.

The Mütter Museum welcomes visitors of all abilities to experience the history of The College of Physicians as one of Philadelphia’s founding centers for medicine through our collections of anatomical and pathological specimens, medical instruments, and models.
Connect with Us
Contact Amanda McCall, Museum Educator, via email () or phone ((215) 399-2266) to schedule your lesson or speak with a Museum Educator.
Check out the and sign up for our public events, member events, and fellow events.